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Cleanroom Windows Cleaning

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Windows are among the most essential parts of a well-maintained cleanroom. Here are tips for cleaning windows in your cleanroom.

Windows and other glass surfaces within the cleanroom should not be overlooked when developing a cleanroom maintenance routine. Window can be large or small, and their purpose can vary from monitoring and observation to an architectural feature of the building. They also happen to be one of the tougher surfaces to keep clean. If the cleanroom’s windows are cloudy with residue or smudged, it’s easy to tell!


Selecting the proper cleanroom equipment can not only make the process easier, it can also help prevent harmful contamination.

Next, we’ll take a look at one method for cleaning windows within the cleanroom.

Surface Prep: Detergents Vs. Disinfectants
A detergent is needed to first remove all the dirt and soil from the surface. The detergent is going to act as an agent to break up anything that is stuck on the ledges and window surface.

The disinfectant agent is going to actually kill the microorganisms on the surfaces afterward.

Depending on the cleanroom and its specific uses, the cleanroom manager will have to consider what type of agents are needed.

Detergent Do’s & Don’ts
Some key factors to keep in mind with a detergent is that it should be non-foaming. It must be a neutral and non-ionic solution and compatible with the disinfectant. Otherwise, the detergent’s residue could counteract the disinfectant’s effect.

Disinfectant Do’s & Don’ts
There are many requirements when choosing a disinfectant for a clean room.

First, make sure the disinfectant meets regulations and guidelines specific to your cleanroom. This includes how it is used. Two different disinfectants in the rotation are required in order to meet GMP regulations.

Good disinfectants have rapid action, which means they kill bacteria quickly. They should also have a wide spectrum of activity. This refers to the range of bacteria that it is able to eliminate.

Wiping Technique
No matter the method used, there are several best practices to consider when cleaning window surfaces.

  • Start from the top and work down using a parallel wiping motion
  • Do not use a circular motions
  • Use a parallel wiping motion back and forth – starting on one side and finishing at the opposite end

Before moving forward, wait for the detergent to dry completely. Then apply the disinfectant solution in the same manner. The surface must remain wet for the right amount of contact time.

Other Considerations

Your cleanroom’s class will ultimately determine the type of material to be used for wiping down the surface. It also determines the frequency of wiping down surfaces. Refer to your cleanroom manual for more information.

Contact us for more information on recommended products for cleaning windows within the cleanroom.

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